12th New England Bach Festival

All tickets may also be purchased at branches of Regional Australia Bank or by posting booking form and cheque to 21 North Street, Armidale 2350.
12.30pm – Uniting Church, 114 Rusden Street – $20, $15 – www.trybooking.com/CYQRX – booking fee applies
- David Drury – Channeling BachBrilliant organist David Drury can do things with an organ that have to be heard to be believed. Baroque masterpieces and improvisations on submitted themes.
7.30pm – Uniting Church, 114 Rusden Street – $30, $20 – www.trybooking.com/CYQSX – booking fee applies
- Marais Project Baroque and Beyond – Songs and Interludes from around the globe Jenny Eriksson (viola da gamba), Susie Bishop (voice/violin), Tommy Andersson (theorbo, lute, guitar). The Marais Project has a focus on the music of the baroque era with a particular emphasis on the works of our namesake, Marin Marais, a performer and composer at the Court of Louis XIV. This performance will present 17th century vocal music from around the globe with instrumental interludes featuring songs by giants of the time, Monteverdi and Purcell, Bach, Handel as well as works by lesser-known composers such as Marais and the Swede, Johan Helmich Roman. As the title suggests the program reaches into the contemporary space with works by Australian composers Troy Russell, Elena Kats- Chernin, Jane Sheldon and Susie Bishop. These compositions have been carefully crafted to bring the old and new together. The concert will conclude with folk music from Sweden.